
Globe Amaranth

SGD 8.50

Availability: Out of stock


The Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena) has brightly coloured bracts which can be dried without losing its vibrancy. These cheery, long-lasting flowers symbolise unfading love and respect.

Plant Details:

Flower Color Purplish- Pink
Flower size Small
Common Name Globe Amaranth, Bachelor’s Button, Thousand Day Red, 千日红
Leaf Color Green
Leaf Shape Ovate
Leaf Arrangement Compound, whorl
Maximum Reachable Height 24 inches
Plant Fragrance Strong aroma
Visual Beauty Attractive
Bloom Time Throughout the year
Growing difficulty level Easy to grow


Gomphrena Plant Benefits:

  • The plant has been considered important in treating diabetes
  • These plants are also used to treat mild cold and cough
  • The plant has scientifically been proven to treat prostate and digestive distress

Plant Care Information:

Optimum Growth Temperature 22-25 ℃
Optimum Soil Requirement Moist, Fertile Soil
Optimum Light Requirement Full bright sunlight
Container Specifications Well drained Pot
Watering Requirements Moderate watering is required
Fertilizing Requirements Organic fertilizers


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