Pisonia grandis
SGD 8.50
Availability: In Stock
Family Name: Nyctaginaceae
Synonyms: Pisonia alba, Pisonia grandis ‘Alba’
Common Name:Lettuce Tree, Kemudu, Mengkudu, Moonlight Tree
Pisonia grandis, commonly called bird-catcher tree, is a soft-wooded, brittle-branched tree that grows to as much as 60-80’ tall. Pisonia bears funnel-shaped, clusters of green sweet-smelling flowers.
Rarely flowers in Singapore.
Mature Foliage Colour(s): Yellow / Golden
Light:Full Sun
Water:Lots of Water
Fertiliser:Liquid balanced fertilizer every 3-4 weeks. It responds well to fertilizing with organic
Soil:requires a soil rich in potassium. The soil should be constantly slightly moist, but not wet.
Height:approx. 0.3-0.5mH(vary in sizes)